Today we turn our gazes up to the night sky as we catch up with Rhiannon of Moon in Rhia Astrology and find out exactly how this artistic astrologer goes about finding serenity in the stars and her daily life.
Welcome to ARE Living’s ongoing interview series where we get to share how you ARE living!
Finding serenity in the stars at the Golden Hour
I wake up late because I have embraced being a night person. As a result, my day usually starts late in the morning with several cups of black tea (and more throughout the day if I’m being honest!). Then, I use my time cooking to get my body moving. I run around my kitchen as I prepare breakfast.
If I have an astrology client that day, I usually take an hour or two to prepare prior to their appointment. After that, in the evening around Golden Hour, I check in with myself and my day. This is the time I look at the astrological weather on TimeNomad or, and prepare for the next day.
At night after dinner, I like to look up at the stars and ponder their meanings and incoming transits. Lastly, at bedtime I meditate while lying down; sometimes I’ll use Deepak Chopra’s chakra meditation audio guide or I will listen to a Heilung song, which gets me ready to fall into the realm of dreams.
Enjoying the daily journey, not perfection
Most certainly, my skincare routine is one thing I do almost daily! Sometimes I don’t do it every day, but I try, and that’s part of my artful wellness: don’t aim for perfection, enjoy the journey and do what you can. In addition, I also listen to music while I paint, stitch, or spin.

A lasting lesson in observing
When I was young and a drawing student, one thing my teachers drilled into me was to be observant of everything. Now, I must seek beauty, or else I don’t feel balanced. Therefore, quietly observing the seasons pass, the weather change, and even the sunlight hitting a room in a certain way fills my soul as a reminder of just how lucky we are to exist in this realm. (Also, no social media haha).

Quietly observing the seasons pass, the weather change, and even the sunlight hitting a room in a certain way fills my soul as a reminder of just how lucky we are to exist in this realm.
Rhiannon – Moon in Rhia Astrology
Making plant time in the kitchen
My mom is a very very very very avid gardener and plant lover (and has TWO blooming African Violets), but I actually don’t have any plants due to my cats. However, I do plan to incorporate more in my home. In the meantime, I get my plant time by looking out my window at the chestnut and mulberry trees. Additionally, I talk to the vegetables I cook with – they’re plants too!
Finding delight in the human journey
I’m delighted by the human journey. That is to say, the very fact that every single human on this earth – every person you pass by on the street, bus, wherever – is a universe unto themselves, just as deep and wild and profound as you, delights me to no end.
The very fact that every single human on this earth – every person you pass by on the street, bus, wherever – is a universe unto themselves, just as deep and wild and profound as you, delights me to no end.
Rhiannon – Moon in Rhia Astrology
Nourished by finding serenity in the stars
For me, being nourished means reclaiming what was lost or taken, or learning about the otherwise unknown. (I highly recommend watching Rune Hjarno Rassmussen’s videos on land connectedness and traditional knowledge as an example of this.)
Take a sneak peak into the day of a candle maker and learn how How Making Candles is Therapeutic
Connecting to the past with seasonal food
One food I love is leeks! I love their mildness and how stubbornly seasonal they are. Additionally, my family is part Welsh and the leek is a symbol of our people, so I enjoy using it as a matter of family pride.
I usually don’t follow recipes and instead let my intuition do the talking. For example, cue last night. I sauteed mushrooms, onions, and garlic together with marinated beef chunks. On the side, I added too much water to the rice again despite my Japanese ancestors’ spirits all trying to tell me, “That’s enough water!”
Movement allowing for spiritual expression
I did Norwegian Folk Dance and ballet in my teens and love dancing. I also love yoga because it has a similar effect on my body. The commonality they have is that it’s a movement not for the sake of movement; the expression of the cultural, artistic, and spiritual through movement is what I love.
Finding serenity in the stars, and a tea cup!
Coffee gives me migraines, so I stick with black tea, but during the summer when I need to cool down with something other than water, a solid oolong or hojicha will do the trick. I use matcha mainly for baking as preparing it as a true tea is a skill I have yet to learn.
One word that describes Rhiannon?

Rhiannon is a biracial astrologer with a focus on Draconic Astrology. She is an artist who uses art as a way to reconnect with the past and the spirits of our ancestors to heal current traumas and resolve pressing issues of today. She can be reached directly at for prices, scheduling, and questions!
Inspired by the lives of creative, real people? Read more from our interview series:
Tiny Sparks of Joy: Sneak Peek into the Day of a Ceramic Artist
One Daily Gratitude Routine of this Istanbul Designer
The Art of Finding Joy in Daily Life