Say hello to Parsva Sukhasana, a seated side stretch that you can take on the road, or slip into a daily routine to give a little extra stretch to the sides of the torso, your …
beginners yoga

Try This Easy Core Building Yoga Pose
Paripurna Navasana — or Boat Pose — is an Easy Core Building Yoga Pose that builds strength and encourages balance. Give it a try! Benefits of Boat Pose Can help strengthen the abdomen and back …

What is a yoga twist?
Yoga twists are good in so many ways! I love to do them as part of my regular yoga practice as a warm up or a cool down, and within a yoga flow. Read on …

6 Ways Using a Bolster in Yoga Encourages Health
Beginners and life-long yoga practitioners love bolsters. Here are six reasons why using a bolster for yoga can inspire you to feel your best while you’re on the mat. 1. Bolsters encourage flexibility Bolsters are …

5 Best Practices for Beginning a Yoga Routine
Interested in beginning a yoga routine or starting up again after taking a break? We’ve got five top tips for you to settle into a practice that works for your mind, body, and budget. 1. …