This week we talk to Jessi Way, a teacher of Reiki and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique who works as a mental health professional. Her unique, but relatable path to wellness centers on looking for synchronicities in her life and work. We’re excited to share a glimpse into Jessi’s daily life!
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Looking for synchronicities includes gratitude
During the work week, I try to wake up at least two hours before I leave the house because some of my best meditation time is in the morning. I am not an early riser, but sometimes I have to be. Each day, I wake up and complete my morning routine: letting my three pups out and sometimes the cat, feeding the animals, and making coffee. During the warm weather months, I sit on the deck and enjoy my coffee. The dogs usually enjoy their time running and playing as well.

I take this time to give gratitude to the universe for everything it has given me. Then, if it is a work day, I’m off to shower and get ready. Without fail, I listen to music that sets the tone for the day.
I love looking for synchronicities wherever I go. This includes the songs I play, the birds I see, the wildlife that crosses my path, the numbers on the clock or a license plate, and even finding a feather or a coin. Each one of these synchronicities means something to me.
Jessi Way

Daily habits create a sense of gratitude
My evenings are varied. I might attend sporting events for my kids or have a quiet dinner at home with my boyfriend, or attend a concert or go hiking. Time spent on the porch sitting and hanging out with my pets until the sun sets is my favorite time in the evening. As a result, it helps me to recharge the energy I gave out during the day.
I do yoga and clear my chakras using Usui Reiki before I fall asleep at night even if I am exhausted. Then, it is back up the next morning to do the same thing the next day, or sometimes on the weekends, I may get to sleep in. Or get ready for an adventure. I absolutely love to travel and I usually don’t spend weekends at home. During the cool months, I drink my coffee in the sunroom surrounded by plants and puppies. I give gratitude every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and meditate when I am called to do so.

Day job of a spiritual teacher
I work as a mental health professional as my day job, so during the day, I focus my energy on my clients. It can be a very emotionally exhausting job, but I absolutely love helping people find their way. In addition to my professional work in the mental health field, I have started a spiritual business as well, so I may have appointments for Reiki, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Spiritual Clearings of houses or businesses, or Reiki classes sprinkled into my weekend or evening time. It is my hope that my spiritual business will grow and I will be able to spend more time at home.
Looking for synchronicities in her inner world
One thing I do every day that gives me a feeling of wellness is listening to my inner voice.
Artful wellness means living my best life according to me, emanating frequencies of love and healing starting with me and sharing it with the world one moment at a time.
Jessi Way
Serenity in nature
Being in nature, especially when water is near brings me complete and utter serenity.

Trial and error with plants and animals
I have numerous plants in my office. I have a living wall, which consists of 36 containers for four inch pots. There was a lot of trial and error keeping everything alive. My plants are two years old and need repotting. I also have around fifty other plants in different areas in my office. Some are small succulents and others larger houseplants. I recently also started bringing plants home, although there are a couple that have war wounds from the pets. I have a Christmas cactus, several varieties of Jade, and recently acquired Monstera, Fiddle Leaf, and Ponytail plants. My Hibiscus plant is over 10 years old. I absolutely love harvesting from my garden, but I unfortunately did not get to plant this year.
Laughter as soul medicine
One thing that delights me is seeing those that I love laughing without a care in the world!
Looking for synchronicity in daily nourishment
To me, nourishment means feeding the mind, body, and soul with food, ideas, and creativity. Last but not least, it also means seeking wonder every day.

Dietary changes on the path to wellness
I recently have made major food and diet changes, so I’m not able to eat a lot of what I used to eat without modifications. Stuffed peppers with quinoa and ground turkey is one of my new favorites. I have been leaning toward more of a vegetarian diet, although I haven’t made the change yet.
Spontaneity while looking for synchronicity in meals
My last recipe was pot roast and vegetables in my instant pot after a long day of work. The kids loved it and it felt good to give them whole, healthy food. I do not usually follow recipes for entrees. About the only thing I follow recipes for is baking, which don’t usually work out too well for me.
Full immersion in nature
I love hiking because I can do it alone, with my dogs, with friends and completely immerse myself in nature. I love showing others my favorite spots or exploring brand new ones.

The aroma of love
I have a love affair with coffee, although I know that tea is better for me. I have cut down to a cup of coffee a day and I drink herbal teas to boost my immunity or wind down at night.
One word that describes Jessi?

Jessi Way is a Reiki Master Teacher, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, intuitive and spiritual practitioner who has recently added a spiritual business to her already busy life as a mother and mental health professional. She enjoys learning every day and hopes to grow her businesses and become a published author someday. Readers can schedule an appointment with her by emailing Her website will also be up and running in the near future: Check out her stories on TikTok @jsway440
Feed your curiosity and read more interviews with real people in our interview series!
Living in Harmony: a Translator who Tangos with Nature
Tiny Sparks of Joy: Sneak Peek into the Day of a Ceramic Artist
One Daily Gratitude Routine of this Istanbul Designer
The Art of Finding Joy in Daily Life